Life is full of uncertainty and these spells for everyday problems have been created to nudge the results in your favour and support you to steer your life in the direction you want.
I perform customised, individual and group/batch spells on your behalf by calling in the divine power of the universe using ritual, tools, meditations, visualisation and affirmations.
Question: How do these spells work?
Answer: As a spiritual worker, I use magic to nudge probabilities. By connecting to the One Universal Mind through ritual, I aim to influence probabilities and support circumstances to develop in your favour. I use spells to focus your wish and communicate your desires to your own self-conscious, and the one universal mind we share with others.
Question: Will the spell work?
Answer: How well a spell works will depend on the sphere of influence around your request. If you are looking to boost an outcome that is within your realm of possibility, these spells will increase this possibility and you will stand a much higher chance of success. If you are looking to create something that would otherwise seem very unlikely such as win the lottery, pass an exam you have not studied for, or attract a certain person who currently dislikes you (without you also working to change this in the real world), the spell will work in terms of increasing your chances, but perhaps not enough for you to get that out of reach result.
Question: Is one spell enough?
Answer: As a magical practitioner, I work within the occult belief that when you say a thing is true, it is true. Therefore, I will believe that the Universe will bring you the results you wish for in a way that is for your best and highest good following any spell I complete. However, there are so many forces at work in the world around us and sometimes it is not the right time for something to manifest as quickly as you might like. You may also unknowingly work against the success of the spell if you do not have good awareness of your actions. My spells will also not manifest for you if they would cause you or another person unreasonable harm.
Naturally, A custom spell is stronger than the more affordable group spells. Spells cast alongside taking any guidance offered to you in a tarot reading will also hold more power.
Many wishes/requests/intentions can be repeated with further spells, particularly where we allow the universe some flexibility as to how to bring us results. For example, if you are looking for an increase in finances or general success in your business, this can be repeated often, and your request can be fitted within different spells I offer such as those that work with the moon phases or planetary and seasonal influences. However, if you are still looking to be given that one out of reach job you are focused on and nothing has changed since the last spell, a card reading would be better suited to you than repeating the same spell.
Question: Is my spell work ethical?
Answer: Only you can decide what you are comfortable with when picking your magical worker to work with you and on your behalf. What I can tell you is that all people have free-will and my work is not about forcing or controlling other people against their will. I can send out requests and suggestions into the Universe which support others to react to you favourably. All requests I make on your behalf will be for your best and highest good.
Our lives in this world are affected by so many factors. Fate does not seem to always hand out privileges equally. In the mundane world all sorts of biases and prejudices will influence other people and events which then impact on us. I see magic as a way to lend a helping hand.
Question: Are these spells suitable for me?
Answer: As a card reader, one of the ways I offer spells are my popular Tarot Card Spells. I use particular Tarot Cards (just like the ones I use in readings) in special layouts as ‘tools’ to support the intentions I am sending out to the Universe. I also offer spells suited to the current Moon Phase and Astrological sign
I also use colour magic, candle magic, incense, oils and herbs, crystals, flowers, planetary symbols/talismans alongside positive spell words/chants and visualisation/meditation. I work with the Universal and Divine power, sometimes calling in the Elements. If I am working with a specific archetype, such as a God or Goddess, this will be made clear in the promotion.
I use ritual techniques such as cleansing, breathing, centering and grounding, and I release the intentions/request to Spirit/the Universe – always asking that results are for the best and highest good.
In my opinion, these spells are suitable for those of any religion, or none.